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Waves of Gratitude

Sipping my cup of afternoon tea, standing by the french window in my dining room and looking out at my small back garden. The orange sun setting in the west, peeking through the trees, nodding a silent goodbye. On the fence wall among the creepers, I can see a squirrel glancing at me with curiosity before scampering away in a hurry and two red whiskered bulbul birds, perched on the barbed wire, at ease and peaceful as the day draws to an end.

A butterfly flutters in suddenly and sits on the ground in front as if to say, hey look at me, I am here too. My small garden with a handful of potted plants, is just starting to bloom as spring begins. Among them, a white rose has greeted me today, a beautiful valentine’s day present. A red hibiscus flower stands tall and pretty, next to a bunch of pink bud roses, saying hello. A few sly lizards are crawling away at a distance and a tiny beetle crosses the garden pathway onto the soil.

I take another sip of my hot tea, and suddenly feel a wave rising within. A wave of gratitude, it lashes over me as I take in this picture-perfect moment. I realize, it is not the everything that counts, it is these small fleeting moments of calm and existence that count. Moments that make me fall in love with my life right now, at this very moment, as it is. Yes, for a second there I do wish I had a partner standing next to me sipping tea and sharing this moment, but then I think, there goes my mind again trying desperately to focus on what is missing. The big battle we all deal with every day.

I take in a deep breadth dismissing this thought, I step into my garden and smile, feeling the love around, letting gratitude overflow, Thank you God for this moment today. Life is what is happening right now, love is what is happening right now, romance is what is happening right now, all around. Happy Valentines day 😊, Isn’t this the true essence of this day? This magic that surrounds us all? In that moment, I forget my pain, my losses, my stresses, and most importantly I forget what I want that I don’t currently possess…. Powerful, this wave that hit me, I take in the love, sip my afternoon tea and smile like an 8-year-old in a toy shop.

I am aware this moment will pass, I am aware as a human I am programmed to fall back into those ways of thinking, but I am thankful that God will plant more such moments in my path, to pull me into the rain of grace and mercy that is always raining, it is we who hold the umbrella unconsciously. This is his unconditional love for us, the universe’s complete acceptance of us, let us all stop and feel these moments when they happen. You cannot plan them, but you can stop and live them. Happy Valentine’s Day 😊

Gratitude turns what we have into enough Random Pinterest quotes


© 2022 by Thorvi

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